VAF meter displays the Phase-Phase Voltages Phase - Neutral on the first row, Second row displays frequency & the Third row Displays the Ampere Value.
- Supply : 1 Phase 230V AC, 50 Hz [P, N]
- Resolution: 1 V for Voltage, 0.1 Hz for Frequency, 1A for Current >=100 & 0.1 A for Current <100
- Display : 3 Digit 0.5”, Common Cathode bright RED 7 seg.LED display.
- CT Ratio : Settable 30A/5A to 999A/5A .Default 50A/5A.
- Frequency: Frequency Display for Phase.
- Cutout dimensions: 96 mm X 96 mm X 65mm
- Password : Separate Password For setting Ct-Ratio (Factory set Password 10) & Current Calibration (Offset) (Factory set Password 14) Field Calibration: Current Calibration (Offset) can be done at site Hour counter: Hour counter up to 65535.0 hrs (Resolution 0.1 = 6 minutes)
- Key’s
- 1) HOLD : To hold the Voltage & Current Display in Normal
- Mode. Used to increment the set point/password in SET mode.
- 2) SET : If pressed once, HOUR Counter is displayed. If Pressed twice, shows set CT ratio. If pressed thrice, it will ask for password to enter into SET CT Ratio mode Or SET Current Offset Mode .Now enter Password with the help of HOLD key (for incrementing). & SET Key (for decrementing). Enter correct password & wait for 2 sec. According to the given password it will enter into SET CT Ratio Mode or SET Current Offset Mode. Now HOLD & SET keys can be used to increment/decrement to set the desired value. Wait for 5 sec. to come out of SET Mode.
- VAF meter displays the Phase-Neutral Voltages, Frequency & the Ampere Values of the line, In the scrolling pattern.
1) CT Ratio: Settable Ranges: 5A/5A, 10A/5A, 20A/5A, 30A/5A, 40A/5A, 50A/5A, 60A/5A, 75A/5A, 100A/5A, 150A/5A, 200A/5A, 250A/5A, 300A/5A, 350A/5A, 400A/5A, 450A/5A, 500A/5A, 550A/5A, 600A/5A, 650A/5A, 800A/5A, 900A/5A & 999A/5A. Default 5A/5A. 2) Resolution: Voltage :1V , Frequency: 1 Hz, for Current: 0.1 A,