Protection of 3 Phase devices against Over voltage, Under voltage,Single Phasing, Reverse Phasing & unbalance supply are one of the major issue in electrical systems. For safe running of 3-phase devices, special protections that keep a continuous watch on supply conditions are very essential. The major cause of maximum load burn-out is overloading which occurs due to unbalance supply, Single Phasing & Reverse Phasing conditions. VMR3P detects such Conditions & protect the load from burn out. PROTON's VMR 3P' offer above protections along with 3 digit display showing R-Y,Y-B,BR voltages in scanning mode with precise accuracy. LOW/HIGH voltage tripping to ensure trouble free running of 3-phase Loads.
- Supply voltage : 3 Phase 415 VAC, 50 Hz (R, Y, B & N) (No auxiliary supply)
- Output Contacts : Two SPDT (C-N/O-N/C) Relay, Rating 5A at 250V AC
- Relative Humidity : 10 to 95% RH
- Mounting : Drain Rail
- Dimensions : 55(W) X 75(H) X 110(D) mm.
- Keys :
- 1) SET : SET key, Press to enter into SET Mode
- 2) INC : Upward Arrow key, Press to increment the set point.
- 3) DEC : Downward Arrow key, To Decrement the set point.
- Microcontroller based technology.
- Protection against under voltage, over voltage, Single Phasing & Reverse Phasing
- All the set points settable by keys.
- Trip Delay for under voltage, over voltage, Unbalance is settable
- Reverse Phasing Protection can be bypass through settings.
- Indications for Low voltage, High Voltage, SPP & Relay ON.
- Message Display for SPP, Reverse Phasing & Unbalance Faults.
- No separate auxiliary supply required.
- In the normal run mode, display shows Voltage Vrn.
- If the supply is within the range then timer indication blinks for time set in the set point & after that Relay will be ON.
- If Over voltage,Under voltage in the supply then Relay will be OFF & corresponding fault LED starts blinking.
- Hysterisis betwen Cut off & cut in is 10V
- SET POINTS: 1. Under voltage 2. Over voltage 3.On Time for Relay
- Procedure to view/change the set point:
- To view the set point, press FN key.
- Function Mode Message"Fun" will flash 3 times & then message ""uV" will flash three times & after that Under voltage set point will be displayed
- User can view set points one by one like that.
- But if user wants to change the set point, he has to enter correct password which is 11(Factory set) with the help of arrow keys.
- Password will flash on display.If Password is correct, message "YES" will be displayed.
- User will now able to access & change set points by pressing FN & arrow keys.
- If Password is incorrect,message"no" will be displayed & Display will come out to run mode.
- Setpoint will be saved by pressing FN key .
- Important Note: User has to enter password within timelimit otherwise display will come out run mode quickly.
- After set point entered,the system goes into Run mode automatically after 5 sec.